Business Systems Analyst  &
Full Stack Developer





I am an IT-oriented professional capable to deal with different technologies and roles. From mainframes, client-server & web-based systems, to act in programming, analysis and management activities. I have a consistent curriculum of academic and technical training/certifications from the industry's main players.


In Canada, I've got a Master of Science in Computer Science from Northeastern University. I also tooked the BCIT's Applied Web and Applied Software Development programs. and the CodeCore College's Developer Bootcamp. During these programs, I was able to consolidate my skills inside the Full-Stack Application Development field, enhancing my abilities in subjects like Java, Node, Javascript, React.js, React Native, Angular, Cordova, Android, PHP, Ruby on Rails, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, HTML5 & CSS, OOP, RESTful APIs, AR, VR, IoT, Relational and Non-Relational databases, and etc.


I consider myself (maybe, I should say: I had better be) a continuous learner, always committed to improve and extend my experience and skills in different fields of knowledge, passionate about applying the improvements in technology to day-to-day life, and to automate and optimize business processes.